Stat files are in a self-extracting PKZIP format and should be downloaded as follows:
1. Scroll down and locate the league you wish to download stats from.
2. Click on file you wish to download.
3. Use the "Save File..." option when prompted by your browser.
4. After download is complete use Windows Explorer to locate the file you have just saved (it'll have .EXE at the end of it).
5. Run the file (double click on it in Windows Explorer) to extract the various documents that comprise that week's stats file.
6. Stat file(s) will be in the same directory as the original file you downloaded and will have an .XLS and/or a .DOC extension.
7. Use Microsoft Excel (for the .XLS file) and Microsoft Word (for the .DOC file) to view these files.
You don't have Excel or Word? No problem! Download Microsoft Excel & Word viewers absolutely free!
Click here to download Microsoft's Excel Viewer.
Click here to download Microsoft's Word Viewer
2024 FINAL Baseball STATS
Full Monty Fantasy Baseball League Rules (WORD Document)
FINAL 2013 Football STATS
"All My Rowdy Friends" Fantasy Football League History & Records thru 2009(MS-ACCESS-97 DATABASE)
"All My Rowdy Friends" Fantasy Football League Rules (WORD Document)
FINAL 2018-2019 Hockey STATS
Slap Shot Fantasy Hockey League Rules (WORD Document)
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