We'll continue the season with our blog-type columns. Whenever the mood strikes, be it stats night on Monday, the middle of a West Coast game on Wednesday night, or maybe even a Friday morning before I leave for work, I'll come here and post entries. Sometimes it will be a paragraph or two, sometimes longer.

I'll make sure I put a date on everything so you can easily tell what's new from what you may have already read. So feel free to come to this page often, or continue checking in once a week as the stats update, to check out and catch up on the latest entries in what I hope to be a season long blog.

If anyone else has anything to contribute, I'll be more than happy to post it here, with all credit given to the author of course. And if we get one of our infamous 20+ reply e-mail threads going, I may also opt to copy that into this space as well so it's saved for all posterity.

October 6th, 2008

Keeping with the annual tradition of honoring the league champion with his own Sports Illustrated cover and, of course it goes with saying, the jinx that goes along with said cover to prevent the champion from repeating the following year, I remind you that for this season at least it's Ray's world and he just lets us play in it...

Thank you all for another great season, see everyone in late March at Don's Draft Den for the 2009 Draft. 'til next season...

Click here to read previous "News and Notes" installments...