November 23rd, 2011

League tradition demands that the team in first place the week of Thanksgiving gets the Sports Illustrated cover and for what feels like the first time in ages, I didn't have to break out those silly Joe and Charlie cartoon guys. Instead, we make an attempt to take the "sheen" off of the Binder Boyz great season. Or actually, it appears that I've just put an extra "Sheen" on doesn't it?

November 9th, 2011

I know we usually don't start these shenanigans until around Thanksgiving, but desperate times call for desperate measures! These guys are impossible to catch and the one with the best chance to catch them right now? The other guys who always win! What's that expression? "Damed if you do, damned if you don't"? Well dammit! Let's give the old Cover Jinx the old college try shall we?

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