This season we're going to be trying a new News & Notes format. Instead of the weekly column (which we all know was actually a "non-column" last season), I'll be doing more of a blog-type column. That is, whenever the mood strikes, be it stats night on Wednesday, the middle of a Canucks-Flames game at midnight, or maybe even a Friday morning before I leave for work, I'll come here and post entries. Sometimes it will be just a paragraph or two, sometimes longer.

I'll make sure I put a date on everything so you can easily tell what's new from what you may have already read. So feel free to come to this page often, or continue checking in once a week as the stats update, to check out and catch up on the latest entries in what I hope to be a season long stream of (un)conciousness.

If anyone else has anything to contribute, I'll be more than happy to post it here, with all credit given to the author of course.

December 31st, 2006

They say a picture says a thousand words. Well, this next entry, a video clip sent to me by Rob Hanratty, suggest just two words "very" and "nice". For those of you who miss the pugilistic days of the old NHL, click on the play button below if you've got 5 minutes (for fighting) to kill...

December 27th, 2006

Top 10 Ways To Tell It's New Year's Day In The NHL
10. 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - and here comes the goalie to the bench - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1. Happy New Year!
9. Refs are already handing out two minute minors for breaking resolutions
8. The Los Angeles Kings change their name to the Los Angeles Princes and party like it's 1999…
7. That's not a champagne hangover, you've just been hit by Donald Brashear!
6. The trade of that sent Roberto Luongo to the Canucks for Alexander Auld should be forgot and never brought to mind, especially if you're the Florida Panther's GM...
5. Planes fall from the sky, ATM's stop working and computers all over the world begin to fail… Oops, never mind, we're well past that Y2K scare aren't we?
4. Instituting a new "hurry up face-off", before dropping the puck the ref quickly counts down from 10 to 1
3. "Tonight's shootout is hosted by Ryan Seacrest!"
2. The ball drops in Times Square but Henrik Lundqvist is there for a kick save and a beaut!
… and the #1 way to tell it's New Year's Day in the National Hockey League …
1. Detroit Red Wings forward officially changes his name to Robert Auld Lang Syne


December 20th, 2006

Hope you're all in a singing mood! Here's an original Commish classic Christmas carol parody, updated a bit since my brother and I went door-to-door singing this one back in the pre-strike days in '02...

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, a flopping butterfly goalie

On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 2 zambonis,

and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 3 French guys,

2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 4 Mighty Ducks,

3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 5 FOR FIGHT--TING!,

4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 6 injured Flyers,

4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 7 Thrashers thrashing,

6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 8 refs a-whistling,

7 Thrashers thrashing,
6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 9 Sabres skating,

8 refs a-whistling,
7 Thrashers thrashing,
6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, a 10 minute misconduct penalty,

9 Sabres skating,
8 refs a-whistling,
7 Thrashers thrashing,
6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 11 octopi flying,

a 10 minute misconduct penalty,
9 Sabres skating,
8 refs a-whistling,
7 Thrashers thrashing,
6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, 12 Lord Stanleys leaping,

11 octopi flying,
a 10 minute misconduct penalty,
9 Sabres skating,
8 refs a-whistling,
7 Thrashers thrashing,
6 injured Flyers,
4 Mighty Ducks,
3 French guys,
2 zambonis,
and a flopping butterfly goalie.

OK, so let me see if I've got this situation straight. If my calculations are correct, that's a grand total of:

12 leaping Lord Stanleys
…The guy's been dead for over a hundred years, this I've got to see!…
22 flying octopi
…Is it already playoff time in Detroit?…
30 minutes of misconduct penalties
…You called the ref a what? Come on, it's the Christmas season!…
36 Sabres skating
…Hold on! How many lines is this? It's like a 36-on-5 mega power play!…
40 refs whistling
…And what exactly are the linesmen doing during all this?…
42 Thrashers thrashing
…Talk about clogging up the Neutral Zone, Johnny La's not going to like this at all…
42 injured Flyers
…How many times did we count Petr Forsberg's whining?…
40 minutes worth of fighting majors
…Forget about the twelve days, that's a good week for Sean Avery…
36 Mighty Ducks
…I think we may have counted a few guys twice and included their AHL affiliate…
33 French guys
…All named Jean-Pierre something or other!…
22 zambonis
…And do I get to ride one, of course not!…
and 12 flopping butterfly goalies
…OK, that's Brodeur, Huet, Patrick Roy on a comeback... Somebody call the Allaire brothers...…

December 18th, 2006

For those of you experiencing goaltending "issues" with your team, I present the following free agent tidbit gleaned from the pages of today...

Forget baseball and Daisuke Matsusaka whom they call Dice-K, the main man from Japan in the sports world right now is "F-U Fuji"! And I'm sure the folks at the Japanese company that makes cameras and film won't be offering any sponsorship deals anytime soon! But perhaps Kodak might? Now I was unable to find a picture of F-U in some on-ice action so I asked the nice folks down at the local police station if they could draw me one of those "artist's renditions" from the narrative listed above. Based on that here's what we can expect to see in Los Angeles should Dan Cloutier's shoulder problems linger...

And who knows? If this experiment works out I think I could see the Rangers calling up World Wrestling Federation chairman Vince McMahon and asking about the availibility of former heavyweight champs Rikishi and Kamala!

December 13th, 2006

Hello everyone and an early Happy Holidays to all! I know it's a little premature (easy Kevin and Rob!) but how about a Christmas themed Top 10 to kick start the holiday season, eh?

10. All opponents goals now come gift wrapped by the Philadelphia Flyers defense
9. Somebody steals Santa's sleigh from the Madison Square Garden valet parking lot!
8. Stan Fischler is mobbed by dozens of kids at the Nassau Coliseum after they mistake him for that "skinny Santa" from the Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Christmas special.
7. The referee and the linesmen are now referred to as the "Three Wise Men"
6. Huge pine tree in the middle of the ice makes it awfully hard to complete that two-line pass
5. A "fully trimmed" J.S. Giguere flops into the butterfly position to make a save and the crease gets filled with fallen tinsel and ornaments. Plus, the string of icicle lights hanging off the goal net are already on the fritz!
4. Sean Avery's Christmas card arrives, bringing new meaning to the term "the check is in the mail"!
3. Buffalo Sabres called for "too many men on the ice" penalty when, after a Daniel Briere hat trick, one of the hats thrown from the stands lands on the ice and Frosty The Snowman magically appears the blue line.
2. Pick any mall in New Jersey and there's more people in Brookstone than their are at the last Devils home game.
… and the #1 way to tell it's Christmas time in the National Hockey League …
1. Refs start handing out two minute minors for "caroling in the Neutral Zone" and five minute majors for "excessive yuletide cheer!"

See a holiday Top Ten in which the Anaheim Mighty Ducks did not change their name! Although the Mighty Elves would definitely work, especially with Will Ferrell skating center between Selanne and Niedermayer…

But wait, that's not all! We here in the Slap Shot Fantasy Hockey League are multi-denominational! No, that doesn't mean we have money of many different values in our wallet (does anyone have two 10s for a 5?), it means we celebrate all religions and faiths equally! (and don't Islander fans know all about having alot of faith?) So here's a Top 10 for the holiday of all the Jewish owners in the league. Since it's Hanukkah (or is that spelled Chanukkah? Neil, can I get a ruling?), I'm going to cut this down to a Top 8, one for each of Adam Sandler's Crazy Nights!

8. Anaheim changes its nickname to The Mighty Maccabees
7. All face-offs temporarily decided by a game of "hurry up dreidle"
6. Frozen pucks now look like potato latkes (trust me they taste great with applesauce!)
5. To increase scoring, new rules state that all goalies must hold a fully lighted menorah in their catching glove at all times. Hey, I guess that'll keep people out of the crease!
4. All players sent to the penalty box have to listen to their mothers kvetching about how they're embarrassing the family and they should've gone to medical school like their cousin!
3. I really want to make a Chaka Khan joke here with some clever wordplay and letter shuffling but I don't feel it's appropriate so I won't. "Hanukkah let me rock you, let you rule you Hanukkah, let me rock you that's all I wanna do…"
2. All goons leaguewide join in celebrating The Festival of Fights! Oh wait, that's supposed to be The Festival of Lights, isn't it? Oops, my bad! But do you want to try breaking this melee up now that I started it? Didn't think so…
… and the number one way to tell it's Hannukah in the NHL …
1. Singing of Oh Canada replaced with Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song. OK strike up the karaoke machine for a quick verse…

Sergei Federov, not a Jew,

But he'd surely light the menorah if Anna Kournikova asked him to!
So grab your harmonica,
Denounce Miroslav Satanica,
Shoot the puck past Martin Biron-a-kah,
Have a happy happy happy happy Hanukkah!

... and before you go there, the answer is yes. I have asked Georges Laraque, Anson Carter, Ray Emery and Kevin Weekes to help me out on the "Top 10 Ways To Tell It's Kwanzaa In The NHL", I hope to have that up here shortly...

December 7th, 2006

This entry comes to us courtesy of Kevin Kelly, who felt the need to comment on Johnny La's writing style. Personally, I think perhaps Mr. Kelly's a tad bit jealous here because Mr. La has stolen some of Kevin's Modus Operandi or better yet, maybe Mr. Kelly feels that Johnny's stolen a little bit of his mojo, no? Oh, and please see previous entry if you have no idea what's going on here.

Ok, I know I actually earned my college degree, but Johnny La…c’mon! Did u get a diploma from a Cracker Jack box??? I mean we all learned the

Concept of a “run-on sentence” in 4th grade!!!! So gentiles, for the benefit of Johnny La, I give you a graphical presentation of standard punctuation:

“.” – This is a period; it goes at the end of a sentence. It is not representative of “that time of the month”

“,” – This is a comma, it goes to separate two different thoughts within the same sentence.

“?” – This is a question mark, which can normally be found at the end of a grammatically correct statement that requires an answer. It is also found inside the minds of anyone who just read Johnny La’s rantings.

“!” – This is an exclamation point, commonly found at the end of a sentence to show emotion, or to illicit impact or substance. Also found after reading prose from Johnny La

“:” – This is a colon. Used to focus a readers attention on what is to follow. No, this is not the same as the location of Marc D’Alesandro’s rectal problems.

”;” – This is a semi-colon. This is generally used to link 2 or more independent clauses. Again, this is not half an ass, or a portion of Marc DA’s rectal problems.

And I fancy myself a math-wiz, but Johnny La had to go and make me bring up all these terrible grammatical rules that scarred me during my formative years, I’d much rather just say “F*ck It!” (Notice the exclamation point at the end, so end my statement and show emotion and or urgency).

Next Weeks Lesson:

Editing & Proof Reading
(For the commish’s benefit, had he taken the time to do this before publishing such mindless drivel, I wouldn’t have had to waste my time getting a headache reading it, nor writing this damn response!)

December 6th, 2006

Hello everybody, hope you've all gotten at least a little rest after last week's column… I got a few good suggestions games I left out of last week's excellent match-ups so I went ahead and ran the simulations and want to share the outcomes with those of you who suggested them.

First for Johnny La (who will appear again later in this column, so consider this the literary device of foreshadowing, along with a few more items I'll be sprinkling throughout the next few paragraphs), I ran an Original Six contest featuring the Red Wings of Gordie Howe and Stan Mikita's Blackhawks.

1954 Red Wings 5, 1963 Blackhawks 2

Howe gets a goal and an assist but misses the Gordie Howe hat trick, I'm sure if they have fighting in this simulation or not. Mikita is held pointless but rumor has it he's starting up his own donut shop outside Chicago

The other game was suggested to me by someone whom I work with who said that since I'm now living in what was once Whaler Country I should match up my new and former home town teams so I went with a Whalers/Devils tilt featuring a Devs team from back in the "Mickey Mouse" days of the franchise:

1990 Whalers 6, 1983 Devils 4

Peter Sidorkiewicz makes 33 saves in the home net for The Whale (yes we played at The Mall) and Chico Resch gets pulled early in favor of Ron Low in the Devs net. Pat Verbeek scores the rare multi-team hat trick, getting one for the Devs and two for his Whalers incarnation as he played for both of these teams. And Bobby Holik scores as a Whaler too. Interesting…

OK enough of that stuff already! I've personally helped the cause of No-Doze and Dunkin' Donuts stock this past week. If you're not in now, it's too late…

Too late indeed for some as I see that John LeClair is no longer in the NHL! For Lone Phantom owner and long time wearing of the LeClair sweater on Draft Day, our hearts go out to you in this time of mourning. So when do we sit Shiva? Or do they not do that sort of thing up in Canada, eh?

From dying comes rebirth as I see the Islanders have taken over residency in first place in the Atlantic Division! What in the name of Lazarus is going on here? Did Charles Wang retire? Is Garth Snow a GM prodigy? Will Rick DiPietro keep the $60 million or choose another case and wait for The Bankers next offer? I say the Isles are the real Deal. Can I get a witness from The Mausoleum?…

Moving right along, did you read the one about the guys who got fired from their jobs because they made a late night fast food run using the company Zamboni? No seriously this is a true story. Just click here to read the article. It's actually quite humorous. Well hopefully they didn't take that thing through the Taco Bell drive thru! Not with all the E Coli outbreaks going on over there in New Jersey. Heck, make a run for the border? No way, try making a run for the ER!

Speaking of E. Coli (and medical emergencies), it's time for our first "La Rants" column of the season! No that's no L-A as in Los Angeles, they're too laid back to rant for any period of time. It's "La" as in "laa", as in "Johnny La" (do-re-me-fa-so- Johnny La), the owner of the Hock E. Coli franchise who as most of you remember, likes to rant in one big run-on sentence on the NHL, the local NY area scene and world geopolitics! (Just think of Don Cherry and Lou Dobbs sharing a crack-pipe and you'll get a good visual)

Well here we go, it's all its unedited glory, Johnny La's recent ravings. Just remember, punctuation is optional and the opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and not necessarily those of COMMISH.COM or Kevin Kelly, (but I bet at least one of us would probably agree with anything that anyone can come up with)…

Well Hello everybody this is JOHNNY RANT AND RAVE saying hello to everybody for the 2006-2007 Season hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and holiday. Well Commish looks like the name I have for my team which I have to thank you for has been going a lot of places these day's E-Coli from the Cruse Ships to land now I don't mean to put the N.J. DEVILS DOWN but I know they like these Bargain basements deals with players and verious other things but they have to do better on the road than TACO BELL for lunch and dinner now I know why they only scored 5 goals in there last 4 road games and CHICO RESCH the one time N.Y.I and N.J. player went between periods of a N.J.vs sharks game to ask the Shark fans what they thought about the way the devils were holding the puck and Trapping and like many people Atlantic or Pacific they did not LIKE THE GAME BEING PLAYED THAT WAY so Chico along with the Devils They went to TACO HELL where they spotted a N.Y. Islander there SATAN was having lunch with MIKHAIL TREPASHKIN andI hear that PUTIN was a reason for this bad meat well with that name


North London

I understand why now all of these E-Coli's have been in N.J. or L.I. what are we first killing the sport now we are killing the people the owners will really have no attendance in the SWAMP and the MAUSOLEUM what else is going on in the sports world it has it TOM COUGHLIN might be on the way out with the GIANTS taking a stroke the last 4 weeks well with a player like Plaxico Burress playing like his nick name Plexiglass Burress and getting stupid Penalties at a bad time it's understandable why and changing gears to Politics now Hillary Clinton and OBAMA are talking about running for Pres. in 2008 Boy Bill Clinton was on the Phone getting ready to have more partys calling Monica calling Ms Flowers and all friends welcome we will have what the white house stood for in 1992 to 2000



and just think about it while Bill is busy banging away Hillary the snake will be busy killing your hard earn money and Taxes to people who don't want to work and pay taxes don't speak ENGLISH which I have to give the nut JOHN ROCKER Credit he spoke out about it and boy if everything goes like that 8 year time period than as boxing famous saying goes LET'S GET READY TO RUMBEL because I see us getting attacked again and if CLINTON is in charge you seen how much security we had at the Airports Bus Terminals Ferry Terminals and all other major places after 1993 which if we had something it MIGHT have stopped a 911 of 2001 now we have as the famous GREAT ONE said of the SWAMPERS we have a MICKEY HOUSE SECURITY SYSTEM but at least it's something well until next time everybody take care and enjoy.

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