Well we're going down to the wire with this season, aren't we? Looks like Foil Up has opened up a four point lead on the rest of the pack:

Foil Up Coach - 58 points
Stick It Up Your Ice - 54 points
Fargain Hansons - 53 points
Between Periods - 51 points

A seemingly insurmountable lead given it's the last week of the season. However, at least twice in our league's history we've seen this big a difference overcome this late, and since I'm the one sitting in 2nd place, I'm going to hold on to whatever hope I can!

Besides a closer look at the ranking reveals the following:

Foil Up is just 1 goal, a minus-9, 40 penalty minutes, 2 wins, and .024 GAA away from a minus-5 point week. Stick It Up Your Ice is just 4 goals, plus-7, and 8 penalty minutes away from a plus-4, more than enough to make up the gap. The Fargains are a plus-9, 17 penalty minutes and 3 wins away from a plus-5 week of their own and don't look now but Between Brian is still in contention, period! 4 assists, a change of .04 GAA and a mere .0002 delta in save percentage from plus-3, which puts him right back in the mid-50's and a shot at the Slap Shot Fantasy Cup!

So as you can see, it's still anybody's championship. Well, at least anyone in the Top 4 right now. But let's not forget about the others! The tightness continues all the way down the standings as The Phantoms and the Koreans are tied for the 5th spot with 44 points apiece while In Neil We Trust and the Donut Boys are locked up at 40 apiece as they fight for the final cashing spot.

I'd love to stay and chat some more, but with the baseball season underway, I haven't been following hockey close enough to write a detailed column and the karaoke machine in The Commish's Office has been broken since our baseball draft when our own American Idol, Brian Legere belted out "Halladay" to the tune of Madonna's "Holiday" after the Blue Jay pitcher was taken in the 2nd round. Trust me, you had to be there…

By the way, are the Rangers still alive? Or better yet, are the Ranger fans still alive? Tee time anyone? Tiger Woods, Tiger Williams, what's the difference I say…

Anyway, sorry for the short column, I'm still getting the baseball league all set up and need to spend some quality time with my baseball stats program. I apologize to the hockey-only owners who may be feeling neglected during this "change of season". I promise I'll be back next week to announce the league champion and give you The Commish's view of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. 'til next week…

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